PlantLight18W 110cmスタンドタイプ(SUN18W)+(プラントスタンドA)観葉植物 植物栽培ライト 13,980円 送料別 照明スタンド 110cmタイプ E26 電球は付属しません 8,980円 送料別Sep 22, 16TwitterアカウントThis is my Twitter account,https//mobiletwittercom/ken_youtubeHallo my name is Kenji, I'm Japanese,but I live in England I make video's aboutSet of 2 Plant Pedestals Our Plant Pedestals are made from three pieces of beech wood that fit together with seamless lap joinery Their simplicity is a perfect way to show off arrangements both high and low Use them to display plants, candles, seashells, flowers, hors d'oeuvres, and all your fine or humble wares
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